We are currently registering for next years classes. Please take a moment to complete your registration now. Early bird discounts are in effect until July 1, 2022.
Hi Families! Due to the inclement weather all classes scheduled for tomorrow morning - Saturday, January 29, 2022 are cancelled. Enjoy the snow and have a great and safe day!! Stay dry! Blessings, Kathleen Ife
Peace and Blessings to all of you this week! Please be advised that our classes will take place as scheduled in person this week. We are aware that Carmel Central School District went remote last night for this week based on staffing shortages and lack of bus drivers and monitors. Our plan for this week is to try to remain open for those students who are not quarantining and are able to come to class in person. It is our intention to stay in person as much as possible keeping the health and safety of all persons and students involved at the forefront of our decisions. Stay safe and be well! God Bless & Merry Christmas! Kathleen Ife Director Religious Education
Classes will take place this weekend as scheduled. We want to Congratulate the Carmel High School Football Team in their success and our hope for good weather for their parade this Saturday. Our Saturday morning classes will still take place as scheduled. I have been assured by the Town of Carmel Police Department that our students will be able to get to and from our building this Saturday and that the parade will be past us by the time we dismiss our second session.
Due to the inclement weather and cancellation of Carmel's afterschool activities, we too will be cancelling our CCD classes tonight for all grade levels. GRADES 2-7, must complete their workbook chapter at home - reading and filling in their pages and will pick up next week on the next chapter. 8TH GRADE WILL BE RESCHEDULED TO NOVEMBER 9th, same time since we have flexibility in our calendar to do so. And to everyone else, have a great and safe day!! Stay dry! Thank you all.
COVID knows how to put a damper on everything, huh? Classes in person will not resume until the week of the 25th. We will keep you updated if anything changes.
Registration is officially closed and we are on chapter 3 in our workbooks. Please call the office with any questions or submit a help ticket if you are having trouble with google classroom or Loyola.
Classes will open on 9/14/20. Class placements will be emailed out August 24th with your Google Classroom Code. All parents will be sent an email link to their classes and assignments when they open up.
Registration is still open and we please encourage you to register your child. We know the unpredictability of this virus, people's job situation, and social restrictions have been keeping many people from making decisions regarding activities in their family's lives. We hope that our program update will help those of you on the fence or not yet decided make an informed decision on religious instruction in your child's life:
Registration will begin May 26th, for returning families. We are planning for September to be on site, with small class sizes with a back up online system. We are adding Google Classrooms to make it easier for parents to keep up with their child's curriculum and catechists.
All classes and grades are cancelled for the remainder of the year. This includes Communions and Confirmations. These will be rescheduled as soon as we obtain new dates. Our 1st Grade final will also be rescheduled.